A Green Dream

A Green Dream - In2Green

The green nursery room has become a fast favorite for those either seeking a contemporary take on eco friendly décor, or opting for more gender-neutral hues. There are ultimately many ways to “green up” a baby nursery. Low-VOC or zero-VOC paints and wallpapers are an easy and inexpensive way to ensure a toxic-free environment for your little one. Other popular eco-friendly décor options include sustainably sourced or repurposed furnishings, organic linens, and handmade toys. Birch or bamboo cribs and organic crib mattresses with anti-microbial and hypoallergenic properties are classic pieces, while a variety of green textiles can be used for some added color and warmth.

Knits made out of eco fibers (especially those that are machine wash and dry) are also an easy way to make a room all the more cozy for your little one. Knit throws can go with kids from playing outside to nap-time indoors, or even to napping outdoors! Sleep space and play space can become one with one of our own eco recycled cotton throws. Knits provide versatility– they not only can transition between interior and exterior spaces, but they also can continue being a part of your child’s room as he or she grows up. While cribs and toys may be cast aside at a certain age, baby throws can still be used and loved.